本研究之目的乃探討景觀生態結構中各種指標對鳥類物種歧異度之影響,研究以獅頭山風景區內不同景觀生態結構地區為測試樣點,劃定物種調查區域及範圍,進行物種調查。利用ArcGIS 8.3版,整合整體的空間資訊,套疊繪製景觀生態結構。並以FRAGSTATS 2.0運算景觀結構之各塊區相關指數,包括面積(AREA)、塊區數目(NP)、平均塊區大小(MPS)、平均形狀指標(MSI)、平均塊區碎形維度(MPFD)、塊區密度(PD)、面積權重之形狀指標平均值(A八趴4S1)及面積權重之平均塊區碎形維度(AWMPFD)等八項指標,並進行變項之間相關性分析。研究結果顯示景觀生態結構與鳥類物種指標之間相關性,以水體結構最為相關,林地次之,農地和人工地盤最少。The purpose of this study is exploring a sustainable environment on the point of landscape ecology, which could benefits bird diversities. The theory of landscape ecological structure analyses were applies to test the wildlife diversity in different landscape settings.
Twelve investigation sites were chosen from the Lion's Head Mountain Scenery Area, which contains various kinds landscape ecological structures. The ArcGIS8.3 was used to digitize the landscape ecological structure, calculated with the FRAGSTATS for Arc View. The selected variables includes the Area(AREA), Number of Patches(NP), Mean Patch Size(MPS), Mean Size Index(MSI), Mean Patch Fragmentation Dimension(MPED),Patch Density(PD),Area-Weighted Mean Size Index(AWMSI), and Area-Weighted Mean Patch Fragmentation Dimension(AWMPFD). The relationships among the landscape ecological structure indices and the bird's ecological indices were tested.
The result shows the relationship between landscape ecological and bird diversity indices. The water body has most significant relation effects on bird diversity followed by woods, farms, and build areas respectively