


本研究之目的在探討觀賞者觀看不同風格庭園時視覺專注程度的差異,並探究受測者對庭園熟悉度的差異是否會影響其視覺專注程度。研究採用瞳位追蹤技術記錄眼球落點分佈,配合問卷調查的進行,經由分層抽樣及方便性抽樣方式在中興大學不同學院學生間進行抽樣調查,共獲得有效問卷144份及有效瞳位追蹤記錄94份。資料分析方法採用描述性統計、卡方撿定及單因子雙異數分析。經由分析結果得到主要的結論如下: 1.不同庭園風格對視覺專注程度有顯著差異。整體觀之,受測者在觀看中國庭園時之專注程度最高,其次為英國庭園及義大利庭園,專注程度最低者為法國庭 園及日本庭園。 2.不同熟悉度對視覺專注程度有顯著差異。有修習過美學課程者專注程度較高;學院中則是以文學院以及對照組(造園景觀)視覺專注程度較高,工學院及社科學院較低。The purposes of this study were to explore the influences of different garden styles on observers' visual concentration and analyze whether different familiarity level of garden styles would have effects on visual concentration. The eye-tracking technique and distribution analysis of pupil location (fixation) were employed in this study. By using questionnaire survey, stratified sampling method, and convenient sampling method, this study obtained 144 valid samples from students studying in National Chung Hsing University. Of 144 valid samples, 94 samples with valid eye-tracking records were available for further analysis. Through utilizing descriptive statistics, Chi-square teat, and One-way ANOVE, this study obtained the following conclusions: 1. There were significant differences of observes; visual concentration among different garden styles. In Chinese garden, the observers' visual concentration were higher than those of English garden, and Italian garden. In French garden and Japanese garden, the observers' visual concentration were the lowest ones. 2. There were significant differences of observers; visual concentration among different familiarity level of garden styles

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