


為了建立橫山梨(Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai cv. Hengshan)健康種苗完整的生產系統,本研究調查橫山梨莖頂組織培養植株生長,與一般實生苗繁殖後嫁接之苗木進行生長之比較,探討組培苗取代現行嫁接苗作為生產主要苗木之可行性。經由兩種苗木生長情形之比較發現,盆栽及田間試驗之組培苗的新梢長與橫徑、葉片數、葉片鮮重、葉面積等均比嫁接苗較長、較大且較多。組培苗之葉片數、鮮重可達嫁接苗的三倍以上,主枝橫徑及長度亦達嫁接苗之三倍以上。田間組培苗木之根圈半徑達1m,嫁接苗僅35cm。綜合本試驗之結果可知組培苗之幼年期生長較嫁接苗佳。The growth of two-year-old tissue culture propagated and grafted pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai cv. Hensha) plants was investigated. The tissue culture propagated plants grew much faster than the grafted ones. The total fresh weights of leaf, shoot and root of tissue culture propagated plant all were more than threefold of those of grafted plant. The leaves of tissue culture propagated plant had higher chlorophyll content and last longer on the tree than those of grafted plant

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