
A Study on the Aeolian Sand Flux by Bucking Π Theorem


The purpose of this study that measure Aeolian sand flux in Taichung and Miaoli coast. Aeolian sand flux and wind velocity which is measured with H-2 sand trap and multi-layer anemometer. The relationship among sand size, sand moisture, wind velocity and Aeolian sand flux which can be obtained though a method call Buckinghamπtheorem. Our results show that linear regression model is goodness of fit. In addition to, the result presents that is not significance level in Pearson correction between wind velocity and fraction wind velocity. Wind fraction velocity is not good significance level in Pearson correction as well as wind velocity for Aeolian sand flux.本研究目的以現地觀測方法從事台中縣及苗栗縣海岸飛砂量之觀測,研究中以H-2型集砂器,配合多層風速計進行飛砂量與風速之觀測,另一方面將砂粒中值粒徑、砂粒密度、砂粒含水量、重力加速度、風速及飛砂量等相關因子,利用白金漢π定理推導飛砂量推估公式,並將公式進行迴歸分析,結果呈線性迴歸模式最佳。另研究發現本試區之風速與摩擦風速並無相關性,對於現地飛砂量與摩擦風速之關係,不如以接近地表面之風速做代表還更具影響性

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