From Romantic Movement to Postmodern Style: A Reflection on Our Fin-de-Siecle Art of Literature


The history of Western literature is a dualistic history. It begins with two separate traditions: Hellenism and Hebratism. The spirits of values these two traditions represent seldom blend equally at any supposed period of the history. The Classical period and Modernist movement aare dominated by Hellenistic qualities whereas the Romantic period and the postmodern movement are dominated by Hebraic spirits. In fact, the Postmodern style seems to be the result of pushing the Romantic movement, with its Herbraic/Dionysian tendencies, to an extreme. Many Postmodern characteristics cab traced back logically to Romantic attributes. This logical inference can be confirmed through factual evidence. After considering the seven factors-world, medium, language, author, reader, work, and theme-involved in literature as a means of communication, we cannot but admit that the Romantic spirit of loving freedom, change and difference has really brought about the Postmodern style, the fin-de-siecle trend of worshiping Chaos of anti-form, anti-literature. But this, we can predict, is likewise only a phase of the changing history. When the Hellenistic/Apollonian values become dominant again, the golden age of art may return with a new vigor

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