The Research on the Acquaintance and Executability of Green Wedding Reception in Terms of Wedding Potential Consumers and Suppliers.


  Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in 2012 promoted “a hundred- year couples of low-carbon wedding activity” to raise the citizen’s, wedding suppliers’, catering traders’, and wedding adviser companies’ cognitions toward the low-carbon wedding started in the wedding waves of Centennial. To encourage the newly weds to elaborate creations, the government prepares a low-carbon wedding guidebook for the healthy and environmental low-carbon wedding. Recently, some newly weds also incorporated environmental protection, social care and green consumption into the wedding.   According to some researches, the largest amount of spending money in operating wedding process is the wedding reception (Zhou, 2008). The wedding reception has a great significance for Chinese on the traditional concepts. It become especially important for the newly wed’s parents to compare the wealth and magnificence (Liu, 2000). Nontheless, many creative thoughts have been gradually influenced by the time changes and environmental consciousness. Thus, the purpose of this study is to discuss the wedding consumers and wedding suppliers toward the conceptual cognitions and performing recognitions of “green wedding receptions”.   This study develops the questions from the low-carbon wedding guidebook published by EPA, and then chooses nine wedding suppliers to have a deep interview, at the same time produces a questionnaire to survey the latent wedding consumers. The study shows that only part of wedding reception suppliers have cognitions about the green wedding reception. However, if the government can promote the concept powerfully, provide the performing plan and the consumers are willing to support the green wedding reception, the suppliers will have a highly performing recognition. Also, through our survey shows that the actual and most important descision makers of the wedding consuming place are newly weds’ parents, and the newly couples come in second. Therefore, the concept of green wedding reception should be greatly promulgated to the newly weds’ parents. The latent consumers feel highly cognitions and recognitions to the partial content of implementing the guided green wedding receptions, but they cannot be fully carry out in the implementation. It is said the reason may be the civil wedding reception suppliers cannot provide the supporting green wedding reception for consumers to choose.   Although vegetable food can lower the carbon emission, through the research studies, we can know that green wedding reception is not a vegetarian diet but a focus on the productions of food origin, the growing quality, and cooking ways to lower the impact toward the environment. To strength the call for the healthy diet for the modern people and attain the supply and demand balancing protection for the earth and eco-environment, the green wedding reception will be accepted and carried out by the public.  2012年行政院環境保護署,為提升國人、婚紗業者、餐飲業者及婚禮顧問公司對低碳婚禮的認知度,於建國百年結婚熱潮湧現開始,推動「百年琴瑟低碳婚禮活動」,鼓勵新人發揮創意舉行健康且環保的低碳婚禮,特此製作低碳婚禮指引手冊。近年來的確有新人於婚禮與婚宴中融入了環境保護、社會關懷與綠色消費等概念。   執行婚禮運作流程中所消費金額以婚宴占最大宗(卓怡君,2008),婚宴在中國人的傳統概念中深具意義,通常亦是長輩們間接比較財富與氣派程度的場合(劉鳳媛,2000),但隨著時代變遷新人們已漸融入現代西方婚禮運作概念,有許多創新的思維,因應時代變遷與環保意識抬頭,本研究嚐試探討潛在婚宴消費者與婚宴供給者對「綠色婚宴」概念認知與執行認同度。   本研究以行政院環境保護署所發行之低碳婚禮指引手冊(2012)中發展出研究問卷,選擇九家婚宴供給者進行深入訪談,及對五百位潛在婚宴消費者實施問卷調查。研究發現,對婚宴供給者而言,唯有部分業者對綠色婚宴有所認知,但若政府可大力推廣觀念與提出執行方案加上消費者願意支持綠色婚宴,業者則對綠色婚宴有高度執行認同。對潛在婚宴消費者而言,決定婚宴消費模式與地點其決策者以新人的父母親居多,其次才是準新人,所以綠色婚宴應對正確的消費族群加以推廣,潛在婚宴消費者對綠色婚宴實施指引中部分內容感到認知與認同,但在執行上卻無法完全落實,其原因推測為坊間婚宴供給者無法完全提供綠色婚宴配套供消費者選擇外,其綠色婚宴之執行理念亦須突破許多傳統婚宴上的思維。   雖然素食可減少碳排放量,但透過研究資料整理可知,綠色婚宴並不完全等同素食婚宴,而是在葷、素食材中著重產地來源、生長環境品質、葷素食材使用的比例與烹調料理的方式以降低對環境的衝擊,強化現代人對健康飲食的訴求,對地球與生態環境加以維護取得供需平衡而設計的綠色婚宴,才可被大眾所接受執行與推廣。誌謝辭 i 中文摘要 іі 英文摘要 ііі 內容目錄 v 表目次 vii 圖目次 ix 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 3 第三節 名詞釋義 4 第四節 研究流程 4 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 綠色消費的定義 6 第二節 婚禮與婚宴的演變與婚禮市場經濟規模 8 第三節 低碳綠色婚禮執行現況 12 第三章 研究方法 第一節 質性研究設計 16 第二節 量化研究設計 21 第四章 研究結果與分析 第一節 回收樣本特性分析 33 第二節 傳統婚宴、婚宴前置作業、婚宴餐食供應問項之分析 35 第三節 綠色婚宴、場地佈置決策、場地設備決策、購買決策問項分析 38 第四節 質性訪談資料分析 42 第五章 研究結論與建議 第一節 研究結論 57 第二節 研究限制 60 第三節 後續研究建議 61 參考文獻 62 附錄 附錄一 潛在婚宴消費者正式問卷 65 附錄二 W1業者訪談內容逐字稿 70 附錄三 W2業者訪談內容逐字稿 75 附錄四 W3業者訪談內容逐字稿 80 附錄五 W4業者訪談內容逐字稿 83 附錄六 H1業者訪談內容逐字稿 86 附錄七 H2業者訪談內容逐字稿 88 附錄八 H3業者訪談內容逐字稿 93 附錄九 R1業者訪談內容逐字稿 96 附錄十 R2業者訪談內容逐字稿 10

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