Studies on Relationship and Genetic Diversity of Coix lacryma-jobi L (I)


薏苡( Coix lacryma-jobi L. )其籽實經脫殼後的種仁部分稱為薏仁或薏米.經由現代營養成分分析發現, 薏仁含有豐富的蛋白質、油脂、醣類、維生素和礦物質等成分, 並於相關醫學研究報告上, 證實薏仁確實具有抗腫瘤、去除贅疣、抗過敏、降血糖、降血脂及誘發排卵等功效, 故薏苡有「穀類之王」( the king of cereals )的稱號, 為一兼具藥用及食療雙重作用的作物.薏苡之重要性使其成為國家級跨部會之「保健食品研究開發計畫」之重點作物之一, 可見其在品種育成上有需進一步探討之必要.本研究擬以收集自台灣地區及透過國家種原庫所得的薏苡品系, 約69個品種( 系 ).利用核酸逢機增殖多型性( RAPD )技術, 探討薏苡物種與變種間的親緣關係.由此結果, 結合田間調查各品種系間之農藝特性, 如: 產量構成要素、抗病、抗蟲及一般組成分含量等資料, 以建立台灣地區薏苡親本來源, 有助於育種人員實際應用及參考.Adlay ( Coix lacryma-jobi L. ), also called job's tear, pearl barley, belongs to the Gramineae and is usually an annual seed-propagated plant.Almost adlay cultivars are widely distributed from tropical to temperate zone.It was originated from Southeast Asia, such as Thailand and India.By doing the medical evalution, dehulled adlay is rich in various nutrition elements and has curing disease function for human.So, people use it as food and medicine very well.Now adlay is considered as one plant for national health food plans in Taiwan.Without knowing the genetic relationships among each cultivars and wild types of adlay, we try to use RAPD technique to clear the relationships among 69lines, which we collected from different areas.In this study, it will be benefit and applied for breeder

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