Collaboration with International Rice Research Intitute - Development of Mutation Pool for IR64 Rice Variety


本計畫擬以疊氮化鈉(sodium azide)進行秈稻品種IR64種子之誘變處理,誘變後代將依據IRRI出版的水稻調查性狀手冊進行性狀調查,調查突變發生率及突變性狀之分離,並依譜系法(pedigree method)予以純化。將注重快速生長株(high biomass)、巨大株(giant plant)、脆稈(brittle culm)、可能是C4型及類似野生型之返祖(revertant)植株等性狀,進行觀察與相關生化與分子層次分析系統之建立。預計調查IR64之M1植株至少3,000株。調查完的資料以EXCELL軟體進行分析,分析其突變率及各性狀突變情形,建立品系及性狀矩陣,建立譜系資料(pedigree),供後續外表型、突變基因型及基因體分析之基本資料及查詢。In this project we will collaborate with IRRI and aim to establish a mutation pool for the indica rice variety IR64 using sodium azide as a mutagen. The phenotype of rice mutants will be investigated according to the Rice trait book of IRRI and establish a data base using Excell software for further analysis. Pedigree method will be applied to keep tracing the phenotype during generations until the traits are fixed. High biomass, giant plant, brittle culm, and possible trait for C4 type plant will be focused in our investigation and will be applied to molecular and biochemical analysis. At least 4000 plants will be investigated in the M1 generation to obtain the basic variation information of this mutation pool for further study

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