Modelling the Phenology of Rice Varieties Released in Taiwan


此三年計畫之最終目標在建立一個系統模式, 以供模擬台灣地區育成的水稻品種之物候發育過程.在過去兩年, 利用自1989年至1998年所收集的數據進行回溯性的研究, 以及一項初步的驗證試驗.我們發現台農67號等六個品種在田間之自然條件下的感光性均甚低, 而且一個修飾後的溫熱單位模式可以相當合理地模擬這些品種的發育過程.本年度我們將在台灣環島幾個農業改良場所, 進行該模式的田間現場測試與驗證; 並將以本年度所獲得之數據進行模式的校正.若有需要, 則將進行模式的修正與改良, 以提高模式的模擬準確性與適用範圍.The ultimate goal of this three-year project is to build a system model for simulating the phenological development of the rice varieties released in Taiwan.During the past two years, via a retrospective analysis on the data collected from 1989through 1998and a preliminary validation experiment, we have found that the photoperiod sensitivity of six rice varieties popular in Taiwan seemed negligible when grown under natural field condition and a modified heat-unit model could simulate the developmental process of these varieties quite well.In this year, attempts will be made to test and validate the simulation ability of this model in field experiments at some Agricultural Experiment Stations around Taiwan.The model will then be calibrated by the data thus collected.And, when necessary, modification and refinement will be called for to enhance the precision and applicability of this phenology model

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