Studies on Biodiversity and Systematics of Loculoascomycetes in Taiwan


和歐美溫帶國家相比,地處亞熱帶地區且高山林立之台灣擁有無盡之菌類資源,然而我們對其研究仍明顯不足,當現今人們越來越重視生態之保育與永續利用時,對我國本土菌類資源之調查就更顯重要。普遍存在之腔室子囊菌綱之真菌是亟待開發之領域,不僅在於其種類繁多可豐富我國之生物多樣性,更在於其存在許多分類之問題有待解決,所以本研究即是先針對台灣之腔室子囊菌進行調查,然後有系統的累積許多常見屬之資料,如Astrosphaeriella、Byssosphaeria、Didymosphaeria、Herpotrichia、Kirschsteiniothelia、Massarina、Melanomma、Trematosphaeria 等屬,並整合國外種類之標本觀察,及分子親緣分析之結果,建立各屬之正確定義。對於各屬收集之種類都進行照相及描述,以出版專屬專論供學界參考為目標,而培養之菌株皆進行保存,以為永續利用之資源。在採集腐生種類之腔室子囊菌之同時,亦將收集屬於絕對寄生菌之星盾炱科菌,該科之種類為熱帶地區所特有,除了對其多樣性進行調查外,亦將研究其與寄主間之共同演化關係。此計劃希望藉由逐一的對腔室子囊菌綱之重要屬之釐清,建構出完善之腔室子囊菌綱之系統分類。Compared with temperate countries, Taiwan, situated in subtropics and covered withmany high elevation mountain areas, certainly embraces highly diverse fungal species.However, the survey of fungal diversity is still far from enough in Taiwan. While the naturalconservation and sustainability are attracting public attention, the intense survey of nativefungal flora becomes a crucial issue. The microscopic loculoascomycetes are ubiquitous. Notonly for the biodiversity, but also the systematics, there is plenty of work remaining to bedone on loculoascomycetes. The aim of this project is to comprehensively surveyloculoascomycetous fungi in Taiwan. Systemically gathered are materials belonging to somecommon genera, such as Astrosphaeriella, Byssosphaeria, Didymosphaeria, Herpotrichia,Kirschsteiniothelia, Massarina, Melanomma and Trematosphaeria. Specimens are lent fromforeign herbariums for morphologically comparing with Taiwan materials. Morphologicalobservations integrating with molecular phylogenetic analyses will shape the precisedefinition of many genera. The fungi obtained are isolated in pure culture and maintained inculture collection center in an attempt to be screened for useful secondary metabolites in thefuture. Genus monographs are expected to be issued after adequate data are acquired. Inaddition to the saprobic loculoascomycetes, biotrophic Asterincaeae is also involved in thisstudy. This family exclusively occurs in tropic areas. Taiwan undoubtedly harbors numerousspecies of this family. All the need is to survey their diversity. The coevolution betweenAsterinaceae species with their host will be investigated. Conclusively and hopefully asound systematics of the Loculoascomycetes can be gradually achieved after more and moreloculoascomycetous genera are studies

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