Development of Molecular Identified System for Important Thrips


在分子生物學快速發展及傳統分類人才日漸稀少的情形之下,DNA為主的鑑定系統已是未來的主流之一;此一分子鑑定的工作已廣泛的應用在病毒及微生物等領域,在昆蟲的研究上也已累積不少分子資料。本研究以農業上危害嚴重的薊馬為材料,應用分子檢測技術,開發重要性危害薊馬之DNA 特徵資料,針對重要檢疫薊馬-西方花薊馬-開發檢測試劑,並結合廠商現有的晶片技術共同開發出多種薊馬DNA分子檢測的技術及商品。我們已在96年度開發出西方花薊馬的檢測試劑,並成功應用於進口農作上之薊馬檢測;將進一步尋求其市場的開發。此外,我們也已針對8種重要性薊馬的專一性序列進行專利的申請。今年除持續收集建立國內外重要性危害之薊馬資料庫外,將應用已建立的薊馬 DNA 資料,測試分子檢測系統的靈敏度試驗,使用少量及大量的樣本分別進行分子檢測系統的測試及應用。更進一步建立生物晶片之快速檢測方法,並與廠商合作開發成檢測商品,並尋求市場。DNA-based identification in organism will be one of the major approaches in the futureand has been applied universally in the identificaiton of viral and bacterial species. Inthis study, we develop molecular characters to identify the agricultural important thrips.The identified procedures and kit for quarantine thrips of western flower thrips,Frankilneilla occidentalis, have been developed. Furthermore, the patent of specificprimers of eight important thrips has been applied now. The work in this year, DNAsequences of the other important thrips will be continuously established. Cooperatedwith commercial company, the acquired sequences of thrips will be used to develop andestablish the microarry identified system. The detective sensitivity of microarryidentified system in thrips will be furtherly confirmed. Finally, the systematic identifiedsystem based on microarray will be tested using individual, small-scale, and large-scalethrips sample, then the commercially identified microarry for thrips will be produced

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