Improve of the slaughtering procedure and control of vectors in waterfowl slaughterhouse


一、 屠宰場病媒管制工作為屠體衛生重要一環,由於蒼蠅、蟑螂、老鼠等病媒滋生問題易被忽視,又現今多數場區仍未有快速有效的方法,得以減少周遭病媒族群數量或防止其入侵,因此,欲求提高國民食用肉品之品質,建立示範場病媒管制參考流程供業者參考則為刻不容緩之事。本計畫擬以收集國內外屠宰場病媒管制方法流程文獻,並記錄現場勘查發現問題,統整文獻對於問題解決之法,提出現場解決之道並建議輔導示範廠進行改善,並以實施前後之病媒族群數做為評估指標,再行統計方法分析各方法效果,終以提供建立簡易屠宰場病媒管制方法之參考。 二、 藉由本計畫之實施與研析,瞭解我國鵝隻屠宰場繫留場之現況,同時評估我國不設繫留場可能造成之損失,並探討取代鵝隻繫留場模式或解決方案。一、Vectors control is very important in slaughter process. The vectors commonly found in slaughterhouses including mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches, which are easily neglected because of their small size but affect public health dramatically. Therefore, prevention disease vectors in slaughterhouses are urgent to be solved. In this project, several references that record every kind of prevention methods will be collected and evaluated. Then, the most appropriate method will estimated in slaughterhouses according to population of vectors collected before and after. After carrying out the project, the effective strategy in controlling of vectors in slaughterhouses will be established and also improve the hygiene quality of slaughterhouse environment in Taiwan. 二、This study is also to investigate the current situation of geese lairage and the relative international information will also to be collected. The suggestion of alternative ways to replace the lairage process will be provided after the study

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