The Integrated Management on Strawberry Production in Organic Farming System


本年度將於大湖地區設置有機草莓試驗田,基肥施用依緩效性堆肥與速效性有機肥比例分為6:1、6:2及6:4(w/w)等三種處理,在總氮素施用量為300公斤/公頃為原則下分次追肥,控制肥料變因對草莓的影響,有助於調整施肥策略,減少肥料施用。土壤孵育試驗選定3種不同特性之土壤,探討有機質肥料礦化過程對草莓生長及土壤品質的影響,目的在於篩選適合有機草莓栽培之有機質肥料。此外本年度持續進行有機育苗試驗,追蹤有機草莓之病蟲害發生狀況,並提出各種解決方法。We will conduct organic strawberry field test at Da-Hu district. The different basal fertilizer treatments have three mixed rates with slow and fast-release organic fertilizers at 6:1, 6:2, and 6:4(w/w) respectively. The apply fertilizer will be restricted at 300 kg-N/ha. The mineralization rate of different formlus will be conducted with different in laboratory incubation. This will support our concept to make a good formula of organic fertilizer that can be used for maintaining soil quality, quaratee good production and simplfying fertilization practice on strawberry cultivation. We also carry on organic seedling raising and pest control test to full fill the strawberry cultivation in organic farming system

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