
The Younger Dryas in Scotland : environmental change and the timing of cryospheric response : report on commissioned research project 2K06E007


BGS resurvey of Sheet 46W (Crianlarich) over the period 2003-2006 identified a number of exposures of glacial deposits that were deemed suitable for dating by optically stimulated luminescence. A c. 30 m high section in Coire Chailein preserves a long sequence of diamicton, gravel and sand units that appear to indicate at least three separate glacial events. A 1-2 m thick bedded sand unit within this section was interpreted as subaerial outwash deposited close to an ice margin during a early phase of at least partial deglaciation. Having already established a local stratigraphy, we aimed to date the sand unit in order to constrain the age of the sediments above and below. Our second sample site was at Dalrigh, where ‘hummocky moraine’ are widespread and are thought to relate to the retreat of a glacier lobe embayed in the eastern end of Cononish glen. We sampled sand and silt from one of these moraines in an attempt to obtain a date for deglaciation of this area

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