

氫氣是未來車輛重要的動力來源之ㄧ,除了燃料電池之外,直接使用氫氣為燃料的氫氣引擎也是重要的應用,目前已有量產化的產品。富氫引擎是將氫氣作為添加劑,配合現有的燃料在內燃機引擎使用上,將會是從汽油引擎轉換為氫氣引擎的中間產品。富氫引擎利用氫氣易燃的特性,可以在稀薄的情況下穩定運轉,不僅耗油較少,污染排放也較低。本研究主要是進行富氫引擎性能的探討,本計劃的特色是結合甲醇重組的技術與富氫引擎的技術,利用引擎排氣的廢熱來重組產生氫氣,再將所產生的氫氣與汽油混合,作為引擎的燃料。這種作法的好處是利用一方面利用廢熱回收,一方面利用氫氣稀薄燃燒的特性,可以有效提高引擎的整體熱效率。本計劃的工作主要包括三項,分別為模擬重組氣引擎測試,排氣加熱式重組器設計與製作,與重組器的引擎測試。在模擬重組氣引擎測試的項目上,將建立引擎實驗平台,預計完成引擎在不同轉速與負載下,最適當的重組氣與汽油的比例,一方面仍能維持引擎穩定運轉,一方面引擎油耗與污染都有改善。在排氣加熱式重組器設計與製作方面,預計完成陣列式重組器的製作,利用引擎排氣廢熱來進行重組,此外,並將執行基本的重組氣性能量測,包括轉換效率,能源效率,氫氣產生率等。在重組器引擎測試方面,將結合第一部份與第二部份的成果,進行引擎測試,並進行整體能源效率量測,以評估本系統的成效。Hydrogen would become one of the most important power sources for vehicles in thefuture. In addition to the fuel cell applications, the use of hydrogen as a direct fuel forinternal combustions would also play an important role for the application of hydrogenenergy. The hydrogen rich engine uses hydrogen as an additive to the traditional gasoline,and will be the intermediate product in the transition from gasoline engine to hydrogenengine.The hydrogen rich engine takes advantage of the lean combustion characteristic ofhydrogen and reveals an improvement in fuel economy as well as pollutants reduction. Theobjective of this project is to investigate the performance of hydrogen rich engine with thecharacteristic that the hydrogen is provided with a methanol reformer heated by the exhaustof engine. There will be twofold in improving energy efficiency. The first one is thatexhaust energy is recovered, and the heating value of resulting reformulate gas is higher thanthe original fuel. The second is that the engine can run at very lean condition such that heatloss is reduced and thermal efficiency is raised.Three items of work will be conducted. The first one is to establish an engine testingbench, and carry out measurements of engine performance with simulated reformulate gas.The mixture ratio will be determined for different engine speed and load for optimum valueof fuel consumption while engine can be operated smoothly. The second one is to designand fabricate a methanol reformer which is heated by the engine exhaust. The performanceof the reformer, such as conversion efficiency, energy utilization efficiency, and hydrogenyield rate, will also be evaluated. The third one is to integrate the first part and the secondpart to establish a complete system which can run on its own

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