Effect of Calcium Concentration and Ventilation on Growth and Flowering Quality of Oncidium 'Gower Ramsey'


本實驗以文心蘭‘Gower Ramsey’為試驗材料,利用不同鈣肥濃度和通風管理,針對補充鈣元素及通風管理改善文心蘭開花品質、瓶插壽命及營養器官生育之關係加以探討。 鈣肥施用的濃度提高,可以有效增加文心蘭‘Gower Ramsey’的切花品質,包括增加花莖長度與小花數,但過高濃度的鈣肥會抑制花莖的伸長,試驗結果鈣肥施用濃度以200 ppm至250 ppm為宜。但鈣肥的施用對於切花瓶插壽命沒有穩定性的效果。 以通風管行通風處理文心蘭假球莖的發育有增加寬度、厚度、乾物質含量重的效果,切花品質的亦有提升,可增加花莖分枝數、花莖長度和總花苞數。 通風管通風配合鈣肥濃度處理文心蘭,鈣肥濃度在150 ppm即有好的切花品質,其花莖長度及小花數明顯增加,並增加瓶插壽命之表現。通風處理所配合的鈣肥濃度增加到250 ppm以上會縮短瓶插壽命。Oncidium ‘Gower Ramsey' was used in the studies to seek for increasing inflorescence quality by calcium supplement and ventilation control. The relationship among inflorescence quality, vase life, and vegetative organ which related to microelements, especially, calcium supplement and ventilation were investigated. Increasing calcium supplement increased inflorescence quality, which the length of flower stalk got longer and florets were more as well, of Oncidium ‘Gower Ramsey'. Nevertheless, overdosage of calcium fertilizer inhibited the elongation of flower stalks. As experiment result, the optimum range of calcium supplement was around 200 ppm and 250 ppm. Calcium supplement did not show stability on vase life. Ventilation treatment with plastic tube increased the width, thickness, and dry matter of pseudobulb of oncidium. The inflorescence quality was increased by increasing branch pedicel of flower stalk and flower stalk length, as well as florets number. Both ventilation and calcium supplement on oncidium culture, calcium concentration was controlled at 150 ppm and ventilation together showed the improvement of inflorescence quality which the length of flower stalk got longer and florets were more as well and longer vase life. However, calcium supplement concentration was over 250 ppm, the vase life was deteriorated.壹、前言(Introduction) 1 貳、前人研究(Literature review) 3 參、材料與方法(Material and methods) 21 肆、結果(Results) 32 伍、討論(Discussion) 69 陸、中文摘要(Summary) 74 柒、英文摘要(English summary) 75 捌、參考文獻(Reference) 76 玖、附錄(Appendix) 8

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