Taxonomic Studies on Some Common Genera of the Loculoascomycetes


本研究選擇腔室子囊菌綱中五個常見的屬進行形態之分類研究,並重新評估其屬的界定,此五屬為Leptosphaeria,Byssosphaeria,Herpotrichia,Astrosphaeriella及Kirschsteiniothelia。而特別強調的是Leptosphaeria屬,因為長久以來此屬之鑑定一直是分類學家之一大難題,此研究即主要針對歐洲之種類,以模式標本為主,以求對此屬有更清晰之了解。並依現在一般接受的有關此屬觀念,將此種類繁多的屬細分為三個分類群,分別為doliolum群、maculans群及dryadis群,以各群之代表種類之小種名命名,各群間之差異主要在於孢子之型態,doliolum群之孢子深褐色具三隔膜、有疣突、有外套膜,及孢子兩端之細胞壁有明顯之加厚; maculans群之孢子淡褐色具三至多個隔膜、較細長且孢子兩端常有附屬絲; dryadis群之孢子淡至深褐色具三隔膜。亦並從演化觀點來探討區分此三分類群之各特徵,各分類群以主要代表性種類為例,詳細描述以供比較。重新研究歐洲標本所歸納之分類特徵來區分Byssosphaeria及Herpotrichia屬,其中Byssosphaeria屬子囊短至長柄、孢子褐色,而Herpotrichia屬子囊幾乎無柄、孢子無色,並以台灣之原生種類為例來說明此二屬之差異,包括了兩個新種。對於Astrosphaeriella屬,由於缺乏明確之定義,以致於囊括了非常異質性的種類,而其亦可區分為三個界定清晰之分類群,分別為包含模式種之典型Astrosphaeriella群,和Trematosphaeria屬相似之Trematosphaeria-like群及和Massarina相似之Massarina-like群,本研究以台灣之種類為例說明典型Astrosphaeriella群及Trematosphaeria-like群之特徵,並描述兩個新種。最後對Kirschsteiniothelia屬之模式種進行研究,由於之前對該模式種之觀念認定有誤,包含了兩個不同的種,在此對其提出修正,釐清了該屬之正確觀念,並建立一新組合種。以上是針對這幾個常見屬之主要問題進行形態上的探討,冀望能在其混沌不清之分類現象下提供一新的歸類依據及思考方向,最終當然是希望能使整個腔室子囊菌綱之分類系統能臻至完善。The generic limits of some selected genera in the Loculoascomycetes are reassessed morphologically. They are Leptosphaeria, Byssosphaeria, Herpotrichia, Astrosphaeriella and Kirschsteiniothelia. Especially emphasis is placed on the Leptosphaeria, because it is a historically intractable genus for mycologists. Three groups of Leptosphaeria species, doilolum group, maculans group and dryadis group, are proposed, each of which is desiginated by the epithet of the species most exemplifying it. These three groups are separated mainly on the basis of ascospore morphology. Ascospores in doliolum group are ellipsoid, 3-septate, dark brown, verrucose, surrounded by a sheath, in dryadis group are ellipsoid, 3-septate, pale to dark brown, smooth without sheath or appendage, and in maculans group are elongated ellipsoid to cylindrical, 3 to multiseptate, yellowish brown, usually with an appendage at each end. Characters used in the distinction of these three groups are evaluated from the aspects of evolution. Representative species are described and illustrated to elucidate respective groups. The relationship between Byssosphaeria and Herpotrichia is evaluated with an account on the taxonomic value of characters. The two genera are distinguishable. Asci in Byssosphaeria are short to long-stalked, while in Herpotrichia asci are sessile to short-stalked. Ascospores of Byssosphaeria are pale to dark brown, while those of Herpotrichia are hyaline Taiwan materials which are referred to both genera, including two new species, are presented to provide a clear comparison between them. With regard to Astrosphaeriella, due to its heterogeneity, it can be subdivided into three groups of species. Individuals groups comprise typical Astrosphaeriella species, Trematosphaeria-like species and Massarina-like species respectively. The group constituted by typical Astrosphaeriella species and the group by Trematosphaeria-like species are included in this study, and they are represented by materials from Taiwan. Two new species are introduced. Finally the generic definition of Kirschsteiniothelia is clarified by redescribing the generic type and segregating a species previously synonymized under this type species. A new combination is therefore proposed. This study provides a new insight toward a completely clarification of the genera involved. Hopefully a sound classification of the Loculoascomycetes can be gradually approached.Contents 中文摘要-------------------------------------------------------1 Abstract ------------------------------------------------------2 Introduction --------------------------------------------------3 Chapter 1 : Morphological delimitation of the doliolum-group in Leptosphaeria, with an evalution of the current generic definition-----------------------------------------------------7 Chapter 2 : Delimitation of the maculans-group in Leptosphaeria --30 Chapter 3 : Delimitation of the dryadis-group in Leptosphaeria -----57 Chapter 4 : Byssosphaeria and Herpotrichia from Taiwan, with notes on the taxonomic relationship between these two genera -------71 Chapter 5 : Astrosphaeriella from Taiwan, including two new specie--------------------------------------------------------87 Chapter 6 : On the type species of the genus Kirschsteiniothelia, K. aethiops ----------------------------102 Conclusion---------------------------------------------------111 附錄 : 中文大綱----------------------------------------------11

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