Some character variations of native kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.) in Taiwan


台灣野生獼猴桃資源豐富,種間、種內的性狀變異均大,以台灣羊桃(A. setosa)為例,果實形狀可從近圓、卵圓、橢圓至扁橢圓,果肉顏色可由黃綠、翠綠至綠肉紅心,充分軟熟之果實之口感也可從淡而無味的10.2°Brix至香甜可口的16°Brix,最可口的野生台灣羊桃是進一步複選的優良材料。 硬齒獼猴桃(A. callosa)在台灣的地理分佈上,呈現廣溫性、廣域性分佈的現象,從海拔1800m的南橫栗園沿線、海拔1200m的大漢山麓沿線至海拔400m的壽卡沿線均可見其野生族群的分佈,且3海拔之族群生育狀況均佳,每年均能正常開花結果,生育能力不受海拔影響,但3族群之物候週期卻因海拔略有不同。栗園地區之種子休眠性最深,需經3週5℃±2℃低溫層積才有少量種子發芽,隨層積週數增加,種子發芽率也增加;壽卡地區種子休眠性最淺,即使不經層積,也有20%之發芽率,這對適應較熱的氣候而言是必需具備的最基本條件;這種休眠深度與海拔成正相關的現象也反映在冬季休眠的枝條上,呈現海拔越高,休眠越深的狀況,而打破休眠所需的層積時間也越久,像這樣同種內休眠深度與海拔成正相關之差異,或許可為獼猴桃耐熱育種開創新契機。 將栗園與壽卡兩處收集的野生硬齒獼猴桃種子播種培育後,栽植於台中縣霧峰鄉中興大學園藝試驗場內進行耐熱選拔,發現壽卡地區之硬齒獼猴桃後裔平均葉片面積較大、平均枝條較長、不產生大量短而密的側枝、也不產生長而粗的徒長枝,枝條外觀性狀較為平均;而栗園地區之硬齒獼猴桃後裔則相反,有些植株易產生長而粗的徒長枝,有些植株則易產生短而密的側枝,且葉片均較狹小。 在植株同化能力方面,固定老葉光合能力隨時間推移而逐漸下降,恰成熟新葉光合能力則不因測量日期而改變,光合能力的強弱在不同族群間的差異較不明顯,族群內的實生苗光合能力差異反而較族群間差異顯著。 硬齒獼猴桃之光合能力與葉片溫度相關性低,但與氣孔導度的相關性高,由相關曲線顯示,氣孔導度小於0.2 mol•m-2•s-1即能抑制植株的光合能力,這顯示在夏秋高溫季節,植株氣孔能正常開放者,同化能力就相對較高。栗園地區硬齒獼猴桃之後裔中,不乏氣孔導度大、光合能力強之植株,但外觀性狀卻呈現不耐熱性狀之意義為:高海拔植群並非真的不耐平地夏季高熱,使葉片無法蓄積同化產物,而是植株被夏秋季被高溫所干擾,同化物傾向直接利用而不儲存,導致秋梢競相萌發,養分競爭的結果,產生大量短而小的側枝與新葉,使植株外觀呈現近似不耐熱的表徵。The characters of four wild kiwifruit species in Taiwan were investigated in this study. The wild kiwifruits in Taiwan present great diviation in genotype and phenotype. For example, the shape of Actinidia setosa fruit varies from near globose、 ovoid to flate globose;fresh color varies form yellow-green、jade-green to green with red core. The average total soluble solid contains from 10.2 °Brix to 16 °Brix. The most tasty A. setosa plant can be used to further selection. Wild A. callosa plants in Taiwan were found in mountains with different elevation from 400m、1200m and 1800m. We found out that these 3 populations could nomally grow and bear fruit in their own region, but their dormancy characteristic are quite different. In the experiment, A. callosa seeds collected from low attitude even needn’t stratification, and the germination rate can reach 20%. This machinism is very important of them to suit much hotter condition in their own region. In the other way, seeds collected from high land must be suffered 3 weeks or more cold stratification to break winter dormancy. Similar result happened in excised cane test which dormant shoots were collected wildly in November. The seeds taken from wild were breed in NCHU and later planted at Wu-Fung low land for heat resistant test. We obtained that plants originally germed from low attitude has larger leaves, longer shoot average length at the end of the research than plants from high land. In the opposite, plant from high land had smaller leaves and lots of shorter shoots. The photosynthesis ability was low correlated with different population and leave surface temperature, but much correlated with group inter-differences and leave stomatal aperture. It means that we could find plants with high photosynthesis rate in every population, and even these plants are suffering the heat stress, photosynthesis rate will still be high if the stomata can normally open. In the high altitude race, some plants show high photosynthesis rate but have shorter shoots and small leaves. This may be the result of the assimilation balance interfered by high temperature that causes the presence of numorous autumn shoots, which compete for the energy source with each other.中文摘要 ----------------------------------------------------------------- i 英文摘要 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ii 目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------- iii 前言 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 前人研究 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3 材料及方法 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 14 結果 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 20 討論 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 51 參考文獻 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 6

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