Population ecology of green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) n radish and cabbage


桃蚜有翅蚜出現之時間及比例受溫度及起始密度所影響,營養品質高、 30℃高溫及5℃低溫皆會抑制有翅蚜之形成,以15℃時有翅蚜出現之比例 最多。有翅蚜之發育臨界低溫皆較無翅蚜為低,而總積溫則較之為高。各 定溫下以起始密度高者,族群發展較快,種內競爭較明顯,族群之存活亦 較短。15℃以上之定溫,密度依變死亡率(K值)之波動皆比低溫5℃及10℃ 者為大,且族群生長至末期死亡率直線上升,25℃以上則隨溫度、起始密 度升高,種內競爭愈趨嚴重,其爭奪性競爭 (scramble competition)亦 愈明顯。密度愈高,出現有翅蚜之比例亦愈大,而植物品質愈差,桃蚜愈 擁擠時,隨溫度自低溫升高至15℃時,有翅蚜出現之時間愈提前,出現比 例亦愈大。15℃時為出現有翅蚜之主要溫度。桃蚜體內蛋白質量經定量後 在4∼8%之間,受溫度及蚜蟲年齡所影響,隨溫度升高,蛋白質量明顯上 升,隨蚜蟲年齡增加,蛋白質量則明顯下降。種內競爭及溫度之影響,使 蚜蟲體重下降,隨溫度升高,體重下降愈明顯。桃蚜及偽菜蚜在甘藍及蘿 蔔田之空間分布皆為聚集型。11月為族群發生高峰,有翅四齡若蚜於11月 下旬始出現, 12月時為田間族群受寄生蜂寄生之盛期。顯示11月時兩種 蚜蟲族群密度皆過於擁擠,族群本身除產生有翅蚜以調節並擴散族群外, 天敵亦為族群調節因子之一。甘藍田中之桃蚜及偽菜蚜共存,其族群密度 依變死亡率之作用皆為補償不足之作用(b=0.305及0.430),族群密度維持 平穩發展。寄生於桃蚜之天敵煙蚜繭蜂整個未成熟期發育所需時間以30℃ 時之8.5天為最短,隨溫度降低而直線增加,至15℃時需 23.1天為最長。 化蛹率及羽化率以20℃時為最高。田間族群羽化率達57∼65%,雌性比高 達77.2∼78.1%,重複寄生蜂蚜金小蜂於 30℃發育僅需7.20天、壽命僅 為2.90天,皆隨溫度降低而延長,15℃時發育需時22.67天、壽命為13.93 天。低溫5及10℃無此蜂出現。重複寄生蜂蚜金小蜂之發育臨界低溫較寄 生蜂煙蚜繭蜂為高,煙蚜繭蜂又較寄主桃蚜為高,但其總積溫,三者間無 此明顯關係。Occurrence and emergence rate of alate of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), were influenced by temperature and initial apterous female density. Nutrition, high and low temperatures might suppress occurrence of alate individuals. The emergence rate of alate aphids was highest at 15℃.The population growth time was always shortest at high initial density of 16 aphids/leaf when tested with various temperatures. Usually the highest peak occurred at about 20 days after starting the population growth, however, peaks took longer time at low temperatures and reached earlier at high temperatures. The intraspecific competition was a scramble one. The protein content in the body of the green peach aphid was measured to be 4%∼8%, and raised with increase of temperature and declined with aphid age. The protein content was affected by temperature and population growth of aphid. The aphid population growth was hampered by high temperature at 30℃, the body weight of adult reduced to the lightest. Both M. persicae and the turnip aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.), were found coexisted and clumped distribution in the fields. The peaks of population of both species appeared in November. Following the high population density, the field populations of aphids were heavily parasitized by parasitoids in December. The developmental time of immature stage of Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead decreased with rise of temperature. The rates of pupation and adult emergence were highest at 20℃. In field population, the emergence rate was 57∼65%. The female sex ratio was 77.2∼78.1%. The developmental duration of the immature stage of Pachyneuron aphidis (Bouche) required as long as 22.67 days at 15℃ and as shortest as 7.20 days at 30℃. The Tb of the hyperparasite was significantly higher than the parasitoid, whereas the parasitoid Tb value was higher than that of its host aphid.封面 目錄 頁次 誌謝 中文摘要 英文摘要 緒言 文獻摘述 一、蚜蟲生活史 二、溫度、光週期、擁擠及植物品質對蚜蟲有翅型發生之影響 三、溫度、擁擠及植物品質對蚜蟲生長發育之影響 四、發育臨界低溫度及總積溫 五、空間分布 六、田間族群變動 七、蚜蟲與植物間之關係 八、種內競爭及密度依變死亡率 九、蚜蟲與植物間之關係 十、植物含氮量對昆蟲之關係 十一、共生物與蚜蟲之關係 十二、蚜繭蜂之基本生態學 十三、煙蚜繭蜂及重複寄生蜂蚜金小蜂之特性 材料與方法 一、不同溫度與密度下有翅挑蚜在蘿蔔及甘藍上之出現及其發育總積溫 二、不同溫度及起始密度下桃蚜於蘿蔔葉上之族群增長與密度依變死亡率 三、溫度及桃蚜密度與作物含氮量及有翅蚜出現之關係 四、溫度、族群生長、密度及作物含氮量對桃蚜體內蛋白質量及體重之影響 五、桃蚜及偽菜蚜在甘藍及蘿蔔田之空間分布與族群增長 六、桃蚜及偽菜在甘藍田之生存及與寄主含氮量之關係 七、寄生桃蚜之煙蚜繭蜂及重複寄生蜂呀金小蜂於不定溫下之發育 結果與討論 一、不同溫度與密度下有翅桃蚜在蘿蔔及甘藍上之出現及其發育總積溫 1.蘿蔔及甘藍葉上有翅蚜之出現與發育 2.蘿蔔及甘藍苗上有翅蚜之出現與發育 3.發育臨界低溫及總積溫 二、不同溫度與密度下有翅桃蚜在蘿蔔葉上之族群增長與密度依變死亡率 1.不同溫度及起始密度下桃蚜之族群密度 2.不同溫度及起始密度下桃蚜之族群增長率 3.不同溫度及起始密度下桃蚜之密度依變死亡率 三、溫度及桃蚜密度與作物含氮量及有翅蚜出現之關係 1.不同溫度及起始密度下蘿蔔葉含氮量與有翅蚜出現之關係 2.不同溫度及起始密度下甘藷葉含氮量與有翅蚜出現之關係 3.甘藍之含氮量與有翅蚜出現之關係 4.不同定溫下蘿蔔苗及甘藍苗含氮量與桃蚜之關係 四、溫度、族群生長、密度及作物含氮量對桃蚜體內蛋白質量及體重之影響 1.不同定溫下成蚜及若蚜體內蛋白質量 2.桃蚜體內蛋白質與族群生長之關係 3.桃蚜體重、體內蛋白質量與溫度、族群生長、密度及植物含氮量之關係 五、桃蚜及偽菜蚜在甘藍及蘿蔔田之空間分布與族群增長 1.空間分布 2.族群增長 六、桃蚜及偽菜蚜在甘藍及蘿蔔田之生存及與寄主含氮量之關係 七、寄生桃蚜之煙蚜繭蜂及重複寄生蜂蚜金小蜂於不同溫下之發育 1.煙蚜繭蜂於不同溫度處理下之羽化、性比及壽命 2.不同定溫下煙蚜繭蜂之化蛹率、發育時間、發育臨界低溫及總積溫 3.蚜金小蜂之發育及壽命 引用文獻 表

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