The Variation of Milk Somatic Cell Counts, Electrical Conductivities, Milk Serum Lactate Dehydrogenase Activities and Milk Production in Goats


本試驗之目的在探討山羊乳之體細胞數、導電度、乳清乳酸去氫及其同功之活性與乳量之關係,以監測羊乳之品質及乳房之健康。本試驗選用二十隻泌乳母羊,在泌乳期間每週採取上午及下午之分房乳樣一次,以分析羊乳之體細胞數、導電度與乳清乳酸去氫及其同功之活性。另外,每週亦測定個別羊隻之乳量,並每月進行一次乳樣之細菌分離。試驗結果顯示,個別羊隻之乳量均以上午顯著較下午為高(P<0.05);羊乳之導電度則以上午較下午為高,惟其差異不顯著;而羊乳之體細胞數及乳清乳酸去氫之活性均以下午顯著較上午為高(P<0.05)。羊乳之體細胞數、乳清乳酸去氫活性與乳量間均呈極顯著之負相關(P<0.01),而導電度與乳量間則呈顯著之負相關(P<0.05),三者之相關係數分別為-0.42、-0.52、-0.12。羊乳之體細胞數、乳清乳酸去氫活性與導電度皆呈顯著之正相關(P<0.05),其中羊乳之體細胞數與乳清乳酸去氫活性之相關係數為0.65,羊乳體細胞數與導電度之相關係數為0.15,而乳清乳酸去氫活性與導電度之相關係數為0.21。羊乳之乳清乳酸去氫同功LDH1及LDH2之活性與羊乳之體細胞數均呈顯著之負相關(P<0.05),其相關係數分別為-0.57與-0.20,LDH2則無差異性,而LDH3、LDH4、LDH5等同功之活性則與羊乳之體細胞數呈顯著之正相關(P<0.05),其相關係數分別為0.66、0.37、0.28。當母羊乳房之分房感染病原菌時,則感染分房之羊乳乳清乳酸去氫同功LDH2、LDH3、LDH4及LDH5之活性均顯著較正常分房為高(P<0.01),而LDH1同功之活性則顯著較正常分房者為低(P<0.01)。綜合以上之結果顯示,羊乳之體細胞數與乳清乳酸去氫及其同功活性之檢測可作為監測乳用山羊乳房健康之指標。The purposes of this study were conducted to investigate the variation of milk somatic cell counts (SCC), electrical conductivities (EC), milk serum lactate dehydrogenase activities and milk production in goats for monitoring the health of udder and the quality of goat milk. Individual half udder samples of morning and evening milking were taken from twenty does weekly. In addition, milk production of individual doe was recorded weekly, and the bacterial isolation of each half udder milk sample was tested monthly. The result showed that the milk production of morning milking in individual doe was significantly higher than those in evening milking, the electrical condutivites of morning milking samples were higher than those in the evening milking samples, but there were no significant difference can be seen, while the somatic cell counts and lactate dehydrogenase activities of evening milking samples were significantly higher than those in the morning milking samples (P<0.05 ). The correlation coefficients of somatic cell counts, lactate dehydrogenase activities and electrical conductivities with milk production were —0.42, -0.52 and —0.12 respectively, while the correlation coefficients of somatic cell counts with lactate dehydrogenase activities, somatic cell counts with electrical conductivites, and lactate dehydrogenase activities with electrical conductivities were 0.65, 0.15 and 0.21 respectively. The correlation coefficients of LDH1 and LDH2 with SCC were —0.57 and —0.20 respectively, while the coefficients of LDH3, LDH4 and LDH5 with SCC were 0.66, 0.37 and 0.28 respectively. In does, the LDH3, LDH4 and LDH5 activities of infected half udder were significantly higher than those in the normal half udder (p<0.01), while the LDH1 activities in half udder were significantly lower than those in the normal half udder (p<0.01). The result of this study indicated that the analysis of somatic cell counts and lactate dehydrogenase activities can be used as an indicator for monitoring the subclinical mastitis of dairy goat.壹、中文摘要……………………………………….. 1 貳、前言……………………………………………… 3 參、文獻檢討……………………………………….. 4 一、本省乳用山羊事業發展之概況……….. 4 二、山羊乳房之構造及生理………………… 12 三、山羊乳腺之分泌型式與特性…………. 20 四、山羊之乳房炎…………………………… 23 五、羊隻常用之乳房炎檢測方法………….. 40 六、乳酸去氫在乳房炎診斷上之應用….. 53 七、導電度在乳房炎診斷上之應用……….. 60 肆、試驗材料與方法………………………………. 66 伍、結果與討論…………………………………….. 72 陸、結論…………………………………………….. 103 柒、參考文獻……………………………………….. 104 捌、英文摘要……………………………………….. 10

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