Constructing a Life Philosophy from the Viewpoint of Ocean: On Hung-chi Liao Writings


九○年代,本土意識受到重視,台灣因為四面環海,因此以海洋為寫作背景的廖鴻基遂受到重視,屢獲青睞並常得獎,而他之所以受重視也是因為有別於過去以陸地為視野而改由以海洋為視野的寫作風格,給人耳目一新的感受,並且他以討海人的身分,真正走入海洋、生活在海上,甚至用筆建構出另一種新的台灣 文學風貌,這也凸顯出他的海洋文學所具有的特殊性。 本論文要談廖鴻基如何從海洋的視角建構生命哲學,研究範圍是廖鴻基的作品。研究方法是從親情、宗教、人生哲學三個面向來研究廖鴻基如何透過海洋的視角建構生命哲學,並且探討廖鴻基如何形成他的人生觀。其研究步驟是將以上三個面向,分成三個章節來討論,慢慢形成結論,推論出廖鴻基是如何形塑出他的人生觀,建構起他的生命哲學,影響他如何看待人世。 全文共分五章,第一章緒論說明研究動機、研究問題、研究方法及文獻探討。第二章擬從宗教的面向探討廖鴻基文本中海洋與宗教的關連性,漁民是如何透過宗教儀式傳承信仰,廖鴻基觀察及書寫漁民信仰又如何內化為他的宗教觀,成為他生命哲學的一部分。第三章由各種親情書寫探討祖孫、父子、父女之情,印證海洋與記憶是相連結的,他透過海洋的視角,看到沙灘、海浪、飛魚都讓他對於和親人之間過往相處有所回憶。第四章從他的人生經歷切入,了解廖鴻基面對海洋的心理轉變,從消極的人生觀轉為積極的人生觀又成為平靜無波的看人生,成為他的海洋三部曲。第五章為本論文結論,回顧各章節及未來可發展與不足之處。以上為本論文摘要。In the nineties, local consciousness had been gradually highly valued. Because Taiwan is surrounded by seas, Hung-chi Liao, who has been concentrating on writings based on ocean, is highly valued, frequently favored, and often awarded. Due to Mr. Liao’s writing style switched from the land vision to the ocean vision which gave readers a refreshing feeling. Acted as a real fisherman, he went to the seas and lived on the seas. He constructed a brand new Taiwanese literacy with his writings which also showed his specialty in the ocean literacy. This thesis discussed how Mr. Liao constructed his life philosophy form the viewpoint of ocean. The research scope is limited to Mr. Liao’s writings. However, the research method studies how Mr. Liao constructed his life philosophy through the dimensions of kinship, religions, and philosophy. This thesis takes a chapter to discuss each of his three dimensions of philosophy, gradually comes to the conclusion. The conclusion infers how Mr. Liao shaped his view of life, constructed his life philosophy, and the way he viewed life. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The First chapter which is Introduction describes research motivations, research problems, and research methods, and discusses document resources. The Second Chapter plans to discuss the connection between religion and ocean from the aspect of ocean in Mr. Liao’s writings. How fishermen pass down faith through religious ritual. Mr. Liao observed and jotted down how the fisherman’s belief had been internalized as religion and became a part of Mr. Liao’s life philosophy. The Third Chapter discusses the kinships among the relationships of grandparents and grandchildren, fathers and sons, and fathers and daughters. It recognizes that ocean is connected with memories; through the aspects of the ocean, he reflects the past moment of getting along with his family, by spotting the sands, waves, skipjacks…and so on. The Fourth Chapter cut to the chase of Mr. Liao’s life experience and understand his emotional transition of viewing ocean, form a passive aspect of life, turning to a positive aspect of life, to viewing life with a wrinkleless way as his three episodes of ocean. The Fifth Chapter serves as the conclusion of this thesis, it reviews each chapter and make up those undeveloped areas.目次 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究問題 2 第三節 文獻回顧與探討 5 第四節 研究方法及步驟 16 第五節 論文章節安排 21 第二章 海洋的精神依歸:宗教與信仰 26 第一節 漁民的傳說︰媽祖信仰 28 一、 媽祖信仰與歷史 28 二、 漁民與媽祖信仰 32 三、 廖鴻基〈媽祖生〉文本中漁民的媽祖信仰 36 第二節 漁民的宗教傳承︰信仰與儀式論述 38 一、 宗教信仰的功能 38 二、 〈好頭采〉文本中漁民的信仰傳承 38 三、 《漂島》文本中描述的宗教祭祀 44 第三節 本章小結 46 第三章 海洋與親情記憶的連結︰親情書寫 49 第一節 隔代祖孫親情的展現︰飛魚、海灘與對阿嬤的記憶 50 第二節 兩代親情的流轉 61 一、 沙灘的回憶︰父子親情 61 二、 海浪、鯨豚的聯想︰父女親情 63 第三節 本章小結 71 第四章 從海洋看人生:人生哲學 73 第一節 消極逃避的黑暗之海 77 一、 落入黑暗海之因 77 二、 置身無情的黑暗海 81 第二節 積極正向的自由之海 84 一、 轉變與重生 86 二、 大海撫慰他的心 90 第三節 平靜無波的寧靜海 93 一、 平靜的海 93 二、 人生如圓 94 第四節 本章小結 97 第五章 結論 100 參考文獻 107 一、 作家作品 107 二、 單篇文章 107 三、 碩博士論文 109 四、 評論彙編 110 五、 專書 112 六、 網路資源 11

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