Back stress and assistance exercises in extreme weightlifting


The purpose or this study was to test the suitability or selected assistance exercises to strengthen the low back for the Olympic lilts in elite weightlifters. Four subjects were filmed by a five-camera Motion Analysis system operating at 120Hz. The subjects completed both or the Olympic lifts (Snatch and Clean) at a near one repetition maximum and four assistance exercises (Bent-over Row, Clean Pull Deadlift, Romanian Deadlift, and Good Morning) at an intensity typically performed at a routine training session. Peak moments, compressive and shear forces about the L5/S1 intervertebral joint were calculated via a top-down inverse dynamics model. Comparisons were made between the lifts using a one way ANOVA with repeated measures and post-hoc differences between the means were calculated via Least Squared Differences. Significant differences (

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