Evaluation of a Patient Education Program for Patients with Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes (Type II)


The purpose of this study was to evaluate a group outpatient program for patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes (Type II). It endeavoured to establish whether at the completion of a patient education program, and again at the 3 month follow-up period, the patients were complying with : (a) the recommended dietary plan, (b) the exercise program, and (c) were monitoring blood glucose levels at home, as evidenced by weight loss and metabolic control of their diabetes. The study also investigated factors influencing non-compliance. The theoretical rationale used for this study was Pender\u27s Health Promotion Model, which theorises that health-promoting behaviour is motivated by a desire for increased well-being and quality of life. Health-promoting behaviours are adopted in order to change behaviour to achieve an improved health status. The study sample was a convenience sample of 24 outpatients who enrolled in and completed an education program, and who volunteered to participate in the study. The study used a pretest/posttest design with a 3 month follow-up, with a pretest prior to commencing the education program, the posttest on completion of the program, and a follow-up 3 months later. Instrumentation included: a questionnaire to measure dietary and exercise compliance, blood glucose monitoring, and factors influencing non-compliance; a blood glucose test, a glycosylated haemoglobin blood test and body weight recording. Findings of the study indicate that there was a significant improvement in: (a) dietary compliance at the posttest, but this was not maintained at the follow-up; and (b) the number of subjects performing self blood glucose monitoring at the posttest, which was maintained at followup. There were no significant improvements in exercise compliance, nor in the outcome variables of weight and blood glucose levels. However, there was a significant improvement in the outcome variable, blood glycosylated haemoglobin. Factors influencing non-compliance included hunger, temptation, stress, and self-management. The study has some limitations including the short time span between the education program and the follow-up, which makes it difficult to draw long term conclusions from the study. The findings of this study have implications for Diabetes Nurse Educators, and the following recommendations are made: (a) that the teaching strategies for exercise be reviewed, (b) that follow-up of patients be implemented on a regular basis, and (c) that the ongoing diabetes education of fellow health professionals be emphasised

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