Sustainable curriculum, sustainable university


Integrating the principles of sustainable development is a United Nations’ goal. One aim of Australia’s 2009 National Action Plan for Education for Sustainability is to equip all Australians with the awareness, knowledge, skills, values and motivation to live sustainably in order that future generations can meet their needs. Education is fundamental to enabling people to achieve this goal. Australian universities are starting to address these ideals. With many definitions of sustainability education, grown from environmental education in the 1970s, it is important to offer explanations for environmental, social, economic, cultural and corporate sustainability that show the broadness of the meanings that include aspects of corporate social responsibility. In this paper, some of these meanings are developed and discussed as a starting point for embedding sustainability principles into the ECU curriculum. Key characteristics of a sustainable university are described. Internal and external barriers and drivers to universities becoming sustainable are discussed. This paper also addresses some of the implications of the concepts of sustainability for curriculum design and decision-making. The presentation will provide opportunity for participants to describe some strategies, tips and traps as well as some ideas about assessment. This paper concludes with recommendations for further recognising and showcasing ideas for integrating sustainability throughout the ECU curriculum

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