
The identity and differences of right colon cancer surgery CME between China and German


德国HOHEnbErgEr先生提出的结肠癌完整系膜切除(COMPlETE MESOCOlIC EXCISIOn,CME)手术概念,已逐渐得到我国外科医生的认可和重视。但右半结肠癌完整系膜的上缘和内侧缘在哪里更符合CME要求呢?d3手术作为右半结肠CME手术的方法合理吗?是否有更符合CME理念的右半结肠癌根治手术方法呢?笔者将腹腔镜右半结肠CME手术方法与HOHEnbErgEr先生的CME进行对比阐述,以探讨右半结肠CME手术方法的合理性。The concept of complete mesocolic excision(CME)in colon cancer surgery proposed by professor Hohenberger from German,has been accepted and valued by Chinese surgeons.However,how to determine the upper edge and medial edge of the complete mesocolic excision for right colon cancer(RCME),and which will be more consistent with the requirements of CME? Whether the D3 surgery(Hemicolectomy with D3 lymph node dissection)is a reasonable surgical approach to RCME or not? Are there other surgical approaches to the right colon cancer radical surgery which are more in line with the concept of CME? By comparing the author's surgical approach to laparoscopic complete mesocolic excision for right colon cancer( L-RCME) with Mr.Hohenberger's surgical method in CME,we investigate the rationality of surgical approach to the complete mesocolic excision for right colon cancer

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