
3-extraconnectivity of Cayley Graphs Generated by Transposition Generating Trees


给定一个图g和一个非负整数g,若图g中存在(边)点集,使得删除该集合后图g不连通并且每个连通分支的点数大于g,所有这样的(边)点集的最小基数,称为g-额外(边)连通度(记作κg(g)(λg(g)).本文将确定由对换树生成的凯莱图的3-额外(边)连通度(记作κ3(λ3).Given a graph G and a non-negative integer g, the g-extra(edge) connectivity of G (written κg(G)(λg(G))is the minimum cardinality of a set of (edges)vertices of G, if any, whose deletion disconnects G, and every remaining component has more than g vertices.In this paper, we determine 3-extra(edge) connectivity(written κ3(λ3)) of Cayley graphs generated by transposition trees.supportedbyNSFC(No.10671165

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