The Application of Fingerprint Identification in the New Type Student Status Information Management System


学籍信息管理是学校教务管理的重要内容,伴随着计算机技术尤其是数据库技术和网络技术的发展,学籍信息管理系统应运而生,并且得到快速发展和应用.当前学籍信息管理系统一般都集中于学籍静态信息的管理,例如学生基本信息,异动信息等,而对于一些动态信息的管理,例如学生学期注册或上课签到等,由于无法提供这些动态信息的有效性和真实性识别能力,目前还是采用传统的书面签字方法.为此,结合厦门大学新型教务管理系统的开发,采用指纹识别技术,构建了针对学籍信息管理系统模块的远程签到系统.引入指纹考勤功能模块后,可以有效地避免代签等问题,对于保证出勤率和教学质量具有积极意义.Based on the complexity and variety of student status information and the dramatic increase in the number of students and the function & performance deficiency of Xiamen University′s old student status information management system,this article discusses the design and development of new student status management system which meets the needs of current teaching reform.It also shows the major work which the author had done during the design and development of this new system.New student status management system supports more complex modules.The innovations in this paper include:the specific functions are separated from common functions;real-time synchronization of students′ status;function of setting up photos;variable field of modifying the authorities;function of signing in with fingerprint identification.国家863计划项目(2006AA01Z129);国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2007CB311005);厦门大学985二期信息创新平台项

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