Modeling of the ionospheric F2-region parameters in quiet conditions on January 21-22, 1993


Results of the simulation of ionospheric parameters over American stations (Millstone Hill, Arecibo, Port Stanley, and the Argentine Islands) and the European EISCAT station are presented. The calculations have been performed with the help of the global self-consistent model of the thermosphere, ionosphere, and protonosphere (GSM TIP) for January 21, 1993. The day considered, entering into the LTCS-9 campaign period, was characterized by quiet geomagnetic conditions and moderate solar activity. It is shown that the calculated and observed values of foF2 and T-e agree satisfactorily if we take into account soft electron precipitation in the diffuse zone, located equatorward of the main auroral precipitation zone, and in the South American geomagnetic anomaly zone

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