
Latest Development,Obstacles and Countermeasures of Patent Enforcement Insurance of China


专利执行保险是中国保险险种创新的成果之一。作为一个全新险种,专利执行保险近年在中国的试点工作已初具成效,中国知识产权保险市场的培育和保险产品的开发设计等工作进入了一个新的发展阶段。及时总结中国近两年在推行专利执行保险过程中所取得的成果和经验,尤其是审视其中存在的问题和不足,为下一步的工作提供有益参考,无疑具有重要意义。The experimental work of the patent enforcement insurance which is a new insurance product in China has made some progress since several years ago.The work of the intellectual property insurance market cultivation and the insurance product design has entered a new stage of development in China.It's significant for us to sum up the experiences and examine the shortcomings in the past two years timely to provide a reference for future work.厦门大学2013年中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目“我国知识产权保险制度构建研究”(T2013221051); 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司2013年灾害研究基金项目“知识产权侵权风险研究和保险设计”(16381

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