
Fujian-oriented Chinese Organizations and the Construction of Indonesia Multi-Society during the Post-Suharto Era


在1998年后上台的印尼新政府推行民主化改革的框架下,印尼华人尤其是福建籍的华人社团纷纷出现。凭借着其独特的优势,福建籍华人社团充分利用自身的社会资本,在社会福利、文化教育和经济交流等领域积极参与印尼的多元社会建设,成为当前印尼华人落地生根、融入当地社会的重要推动力量。With the current context of diplomacy reformation implemented by Indonesia governments after 1998,tens of and hundreds of Indonesian Chinese organizations,especially Fujian-oriented Chinese organizations have sprung up in the last few years,and now they have become one of the important engines to promote ideological transformation of "life plant" and blending in the local society,through actively participating in the multi-society construction in the aspects of social welfare,culture,education and economy

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