
Design and Development of Power Quality On-line Analyzing System


为实现对电能质量实时监测与管理,提高电力企业信息化水平,同时也为电能质量的控制奠定基础,本文设计并研发了一种电能质量在线分析系统。该系统基于.nET技术分三个层次构建,采用AdO.nET与gdI+等技术实现,支持电能质量指标查询、报表打印、设备管理等功能。本系统具有多指标分析的完善性,自定义生成报表的灵活性,使用方便,界面友好等特点。In order to achieve real-time supervision and management of power quality,enhance informationize level of power enterprises,meanwhile lay the foundation for power quality controlling,this paper designs and develops a kind of power quality on-line analyzing system.Employing technologies such as ADO.NET and GDI+,the system is fundamentally based on the.NET three-layer framework;supports many functions such as inquiry of power quality index,report printing,device management,etc.The system has characteristics of perfection in multi-index analyzing,flexibility in custom report generating,easy to maintain and user friendly

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