
Application of Clinical Pathway in Early Treatment of War Injuries


针对野战早期救治阶段存在伤员数量大、医护资源不足等现状,提出了一种面向服务的临床路径软件系统设计理念。将早期救治中的各关键事件模块化,并按专家制定的临床路径方案排列组合而成,有针对性并可进行即时调整。该系统力求将复杂繁琐的救治过程变为一种多分支、多出口、易操作的救治流程,实现对现有战伤救治信息流程的重组和优化,有利于伤员的高效、批量救治,最大限度地提高战伤救治能力和野战卫勤保障能力。According to the situation of large number of wounded and the lack of medical resources in the period of early treatment,a service-oriented software system used clinical pathway is designed to solve this problem.The key events of early treatment are modularized and arranged in the process of clinical pathway drawn up by experts.This process is targeted and can be adjusted in real time.The complicated process will be simplified to a multi-branch,multi-export and easy-operating one,and information flow will be reorganized and optimized.This new system will conducive to batch treatment of the wounded,improve the efficiency,and maximize the ability of treatment with war injuries and enhance the ability of hygienic guarantee.南京军区重点课题(08Z021);南京军区“十一五”计划课题项目(06MA99

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