The Relationship between the Other,China and the Identity of Singapore's Overseas Chinese——A Historical Investigation into Lat Pau between 1819 and 1912


论文分析阐述了新加坡华人身份认同的影响因素。认为1819—1912年间,新加坡华人族群的身份认同,受到居住地、与西方文化和南洋土著族群的互动及对中国社会变迁和发展的认知等因素的影响。其中,有关中国的认知对新加坡华人族群身份认同的嬗变具有决定性作用。甲午战争后,新加坡华人开始了对中国传统政治和文化的质疑和反思。辛亥革命后,新加坡华人身份认同产生了重大转变。新加坡华人族群再也不是过去唯唯诺诺的大清“臣民“,他们开始基于自身主体利益的考量,大胆地向中国政治说“不“。这表明,新加坡华人族群主体性和身份认同的构建是一个不可逆过程。The paper analyses the factors influenced the identity of Chinese in Singapore.Between 1819 and 1912,the identity of overseas Chinese in Singapore was affected by the sense of belonging of residence in Southeast Asia,interaction between Western culture and local ethnic groups and the perception of China's social change and development.Among these factors,Singapore 's overseas Chinese understanding of China is crucial to determine the changes for their ethnic identity.The Chinese group in Singapore was not a "subject"of Qing Dynasty anymore.Instead,they began to say "no"to Chinese politics.The construction of subjectivity and identity of overseas Chinese in Singapore represents an irreversible process

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