On Commutative Formulae in Conformal Complex Finsler Manifolds


设M为n维复流形,■~=T--(1,0)M-{0},f为M上的强拟凸复fInSlEr度量, ■=E--σf为f的共形变换。本文得到定义在■上的各种HErMITIAn张量场分别关于复fInSlEr流形(M,f)和(M,■)的复rund联络求共变微分的各种交换公式。Let M be a complex manifold of dimension n,■ = T--(1,0)M-{0} be the slit holomorphic tangent bundle of M,F be a strongly pseudoconvex complex Finsler metric on M and ■ =e--σF be a conformal transformation of F.In this paper we obtain various kinds of commutative formulae of Hermitián tensor covariantly derivatived with respect to the complex Rund connections associated to (M,F) and(M,■),respectively.supportedbyProgramforNewCenturyExcellentTalentsinFujianProvinceUniversity;theNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(10601040;10971170

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