
Complex Cepstral Analysis In Wavelet Based Speech Denoising


小波阈值去噪方法是一种实现简单、效果较好的小波去噪方法。本文在对所采集的带噪语音信号进行了小波阀值去噪以后,利用复倒谱对去噪前后的效果进行了对比,结果显示去噪后的语音信号的复倒谱相对于去噪前的相比,明显降低了峰值,说明小波去噪取得了良好效果。Wavelet threshold denoising method is a simple and efficient way in speech denoising.In the paper,we reduce the noise in the sampled speech signal using wavelet threshold denoising approach,and complex cepstrum is calculated for both original signal and denoised signal.Comparison shows complex cepstrum peak value of denoised signal is significantly lowered.The results indicate that wavelet threshold denoising approach is effective and works well.基金申请人:吴为民;项目名称:语音识别中去噪方法研究;基金颁发部门:福建省教育厅;编号:JA1029

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