The Breeding and Spreading of New Good Quality Early Indica Rice


经过30多年的研究,建立了以成熟花粉辐照诱变为主的水稻优质新种质技术;采用自创的优质早籼稻新品种选育新途径,积累了一大批长大粒低垩白为主要特点的优质籼稻新材料;应用SSr标记技术定位出多个籼稻品质性状的QTlS,并初步建立了实用的分子标记辅助育种技术;选育出优质、高产、抗病的早籼稻“佳禾早占“、“佳辐占“等6个水稻新品种,其品质符合部颁优质食用米三级以上标准.“佳辐占“等品种在福建省累计推广了66.67x104HM2,为农民增收20多亿元.这些优质品种的育成,基本解决了水稻育种中长期存在的大粒不优质,早籼稻难优质,优质不高产,优质不抗病等难题,为未来水稻优质高产育种积累有益的经验.After 30 years′ dedicated research,we have established a set of technology of screening new good quality rice germplasms mainly based on mature pollen mutation by γ-ray irradiation,selected a lot of new good quality indica germplasms with long-big grain and low chalkiness by self-creating breeding method for good quality early indica rice,mapped some QTLs conferring indica rice quality based on SSR markers and set up a practical marker-assisted selection technology.Under new technologies,six new high-quality early indica rice cultivars,such as "Jiahezaozhan","Jiafuzhan" and "Jiazao No.1",have been successfully developed.Its quality has almost reached the standard of good quality Editable Rice of Agriculture Department of China.These cultivars also have other characteristics such as enhanced resistance of blast and shattering,steady productivity and strong adaptability."Jiahezaozhan" and "Jiafuzhan" have been put into production of over 66.67×104 hm2 in Fujian province.The successes of these cultivars is a solution to long existed problems in rice industry,such as low quality of big grain rice and early indica rice,low productivity and poor blast resistance of high quality rice.Our researches also have achieved much helpful experience and found abundant germplasms and practical technology and method for good quality high-yielding rice breeding in the future.国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目(2007AA10Z179;2002AA211091);农业部农业科技跨越计划项目(2006跨04);农业部农业成果转化资金(02EFNZ16900762);福建省科技重大专项(2004NZ01-3;2008NZ0001);福建省科技计划重点项目(2008N0122);福建省科技创新平台建设计划(2007N2005);福建省自然科学基金项目(2007J0291);福建省农业科技跨越计划项目(2005-03);福建省水稻育种八五、九五、十五攻关项目;厦门市科技计划项目(

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