A Blind Robust Algorithm of Digital Watermarking Based on ICA and DCT


提出了一种结合独立分量分析和离散余弦变换的数字图像鲁棒性盲水印算法.首先将载体图像分解成互不重叠的8x8子块,再对各子块进行离散余弦变换,接着把经过置乱和平铺扩展处理的水印嵌入到余弦变换的低频系数上,最后进行逆余弦变换得到嵌有水印的图像.在不需要原始图像、水印和攻击类型等信息的情况下,算法实现了真正意义上的水印盲提取.仿真实验表明,该算法对JPEg压缩、尺寸缩放、滤波等攻击具有较好的鲁棒性.An algorithm of digital image watermarking based on the independent component analysis(ICA) and discrete cosine transform(DCT) is proposed.Firstly,the cover image is decomposed into non-overlapping 8×8 blocks.Secondly,these blocks are transformed into discrete cosine domain.Then the watermark is embedded into its low frequency coefficient which has been rearranged by scramble and tiling extended before embedded.The watermark can be extracted correctly without any information about the original image,watermark or attack.The experiments show the robustness of the algorithm against many attacks of JPEG,filter,scale resizing etc

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