Surface Observation of Lapped and Polished HgCdTe Waferswith Scanning Electron Microscope


采用扫描电子显微镜分别观察了用不同研磨机研磨、抛光及其经溴-乙醇腐蚀的HgCdTE体单晶片的表面二次电子衬度像.观察表明,研磨造成的晶片表面可见损伤,经机械和溴-乙醇化学抛光后将减少和去除。然而,化学抛光却造成个别表面凹陷和凸出,这些凹凸可能是溴-乙醇对表层夹杂物和基质的腐蚀速度不同所致。HgCdTe wafer surfaces which were lapped, polished and etched with different process havebeen investigated with secondary electron contrast using a scanning electron microscope.The wafersurface damages were reduce by polishing and etching.But etch pits and projections were observedafter etching, which seems to be result of different etching rate of inclusions and matrix.国家自然科学基金;福建省自然科学基

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