


西江流域是岭南东周时期青铜文化遗存较集中的地区,青铜器的文化特征主要表现在兵器和工具的组合及摆放位置、本地化的铸造技术、器物群的多种文化因素组合三个方面。当地的土著居民应该是这些文化的主体创造者,他们就是战国秦汉时期的“南越“等土著民族。Lingnan Bronze culture in Eastern Zhou Period remains mainly in West River areas.The bronze culture features such three aspects as the combination and placement of weapons and tools,localization of the casting technology and cultural diversity of the bronze ware group.The natives,once aborginal people like Nanyue in Warring State Period,Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty,are the major creator of these culture

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