
Study on the Implantation of Nano-calcium Phosphate Bone Cement to Canine Artificial Furcation Defects


目的:研究纳米骨水泥修复犬慢性牙周组织缺损。方法:将3只成年bEAglE犬形成慢性Ⅱ度根分叉病变模型,按拉丁方设计方法分成3组,每组6颗牙,分别采用引导组织再生治疗术(guIdEd TISSuE rEgEnErATIOn,gTr)+纳米骨水泥(nAnO-CAlCIuM PHOSPHATE bOnE CEMEnT,CPC)、gTr+珊瑚羟基磷灰石人造骨(COrAllInE HydrOXyAPATITE POr-OuS,CHAP)、gTr进行移植修复治疗。12周观察牙周组织再生情况。结果:组织学观察gTr+CPC组牙槽骨、牙骨质和牙周组织的修复再生效果明显优于gTr组(P<0.05)。X线片显示:gTr+CPC组骨缺损处骨质生长情况优于其他两组。结论:应用gTr技术结合纳米骨水泥移植可显著促进狗牙根分叉处牙周组织缺损的再生。Objective:To evaluate the effects of the implantation of nano-calcium phosphate bone cement to repair canine artificial furcation defects.Methods:A total of 18 chronic experimental class II furcation defects on three adult Beagles were treated with either a combination of nano-calcium phosphate bone cement(CPC) and guided tissue regeneration (GTR) ,coralline hydroxyapatite porous(CHAP) and GTR,or GTR.The animals were sacrificed after 12 weeks.Histologic and histometric analysis were implemented to assess the volume of periodontal regeneration.Results:The results of the histomorphometric analysis showed that the nano-CPC/GTR groups presented significantly greater periodontal regeneration than the GTR group.The X-ray showed that nano-CPC group presented more significant substantia ossea growth than the other two groups.Conclusion:Implantation of nano-CPC combined with GTR is an effective treatment to regenerate class II furcation defects.厦门科技局资助厦门科技发展课题(编号:2002-60-5

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