
Further Discussions on Various Problems Concerning "the State of Xindu was Styled the State of Guangchuan in the Second Year of Emperor Jing"——Doubled as a consultation with Mr. Wang Wentao


对班固与颜师古所处时代及立场加以综合分析,并通过对“广川国“沿革的准确爬梳,得出《汉书.地理志》中关于“景帝二年为广川国“的论断无疑是正确的,而后半句“宣帝甘露三年复故“实应为“甘露四年“。A comprehensive analysis is made of the times and standpoints of Ban Gu and Yan Shigu.Through the exact clarifications of the origin of the state of Guangchuan,it is concluded that the statement of "being styled the state of Guangchuan in the second year of Emperor Jing"is unquestionably correct,whereas the latter half of the sentence "being styled its original name in the third year of Emperor Xuan" should have been "in the fourth year of Emperor Xuan"

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