
Development and the Breakthrough Path of China Taiwan's Digital Publishing Industry


检视台湾出版业数字化转型的历程与现状,指出台湾数字出版产业面临产业链缺乏有效整合以及商业运营模式不健全等困境,在重申内容对于数字出版重要性的同时,提出为适应数字时代深层范式的转变,台湾数字出版产业应树立“以信息服务为中心“的理念,以受众为导向,产制多元化的数字内容产品,并寻求产业链条的深度整合。Examine the progress of Taiwan digital publishing industry point out that it has been suffering from the lack of effective integration of industrial chain and the business model is not good enough.In order to adapt to the deep paradigm shift in the digital age,Taiwan's digital publishing should establish an "information servicecentered" philosophy while reaffirming the importance of content for digital publishing and be more audience-oriented, so as to create a wide range of digital content and products, and to deepen the integration of the industrial chain

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