Build a Service-oriented Government,Diversify the Providers of Public Services


服务型政府将满足公民需求作为最高工作目标,不仅要求强化社会管理和公共服务职能,更需要通过体制机制创新来促进公共服务的有效供给。其中,公共服务的供给机制有效与否是政府不同层级和不同部门都要面对的普遍性问题。针对公共服务的混合性和复杂性,以及我国在公共服务提供方面的问题,参考发达国家的政府改革经验,我国应培育多元化的公共服务供给主体,通过将分散、异质性的服务需求与非规模化的服务供给对接来间接满足服务需求。多元化供给机制有利于发挥行政机制、市场机制和社会机制的各自优势,并实现三者的有机结合,从而有利于整合各种社会资源,满足公民的异质性公共服务需求。Service-oriented governments take satisfying people's need as their supreme goal.To realize the goal,not only should the government strengthen their functions of social management and public services,but also promote the effective supply of public services by innovating system and mechanism.It is a universal issue,government at all level have to face,that how to design a proper public service supply mechanism.As for public service has its own complexity,and we China has several problems on public service supplying,we should cultivate diversified providers of public service by referring to the government reform experience from developed countries.The detail practice is to meet the people's demand by connecting the various needs and the scattered supply together.The advantage of diversified supply mechanism is that it could make every single use of administrative mechanism,market mechanism and social mechanism to integrate all kinds of resources,and finally meet the citizen's different demand

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