
Genome-wide scan reveals the molecular mechanisms of functional differentiation of Myotis lucifugus and Pteropus vampyrus


小棕蝠(MyOTIS luCIfuguS)和大狐蝠(PTErOPuS VAMPyruS)在生理和行为上有诸多差异,应被诉诸于分子水平并加以系统探讨。该研究对包括小棕蝠和大狐蝠在内的7个哺乳动物全基因组同源编码序列进行了高质量比对,使用比对序列进行了分别以两个蝙蝠枝为前景枝的全基因组水平选择压力分析,并对两种蝙蝠中的正选择基因进行了富集聚类分析。结果表明,在小棕蝠枝受到正选择的基因数高于大狐蝠枝;两种蝙蝠中独立受到正选择的基因富集于不同的功能类别;且正选择基因的富集差异与小棕蝠和大狐蝠在免疫、运动协调、能量代谢和感觉器官发育等关键生物学功能方面的分化大体吻合。The physiological and behavioral differences between Myotis lucifugus and Pteropus vampyrus should be attributed to molecular mechanisms and deserve intensive investigation.We conducted genome-wide scan for coding sequences from the orthologue genes of seven mammalian species.Selection analyses were carried out by setting the branches leading to Myotis lucifugus and Pteropus vampyrus as foreground branches, respectively.Enrichment analyses were conducted for positively selected genes.Our results indicated that more genes exhibited positive selection in Myotis lucifugus than that in Pteropus vampyrus.The positively selected genes of the two species were enriched in different functions.The differences between Myotis lucifugus and Pteropus vampyrus represented their differentiation in biological functions, especially the functions of immunity, motor ability, energetic metabolism and sensory organ development.国家自然科学基金(31172080;91231202

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