Gametes Formation in Hemiaulas hauckii


从厦门近岸分离的霍氏半管藻,在室内培养条件下观察其配子形成和光对配子形成的影响.结果表明,该藻配子形成在7~26μM宽度的细胞中;少数雄配子发育过程经历四鞭毛体阶段;光强度110μEIn/M2·S和光周期16H条件下呈最强性化反应,且雄性分化均高于雌性.从而得出,四鞭毛体是胞质迟缓分裂的结果;性分化发生与细胞大小密切相关;性化强度又与光强度呈正相关,短光照和长光照都不利于性化反应Hemiaulus hauckii was collected From the Xiamen coast in 1994 and cultured in laborary,The observation of the process of grmetes Formation and the eFFect of light on gametes Formation showed that only the 7~26μm wide cells can Form gametes.A Few spermatocytes developed through the stage of quadriFlagellates sperm.It gained strongest sexual reaction at light intensity of 110 μEin/m 2.s and day length of 16:8LD,and produced more male gametes then Female.The results showed that at the First stage of meiosis,nuclear divided without immediately Following cytokineses,then the spermatocyte gave rise to a quadriFlagellate sperm Attainment of the sexual process is closely related to the cell size.The sexualization has posititive correlation with light intensity.Short or long illumination is unFavorable to the sexual reaction.国家自然科学基

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