Studies on Gnathostomes in Fujian.I.A Study on the Epidemiology of Gnathostoma hispidum in Minnan District


本文报告闽南地区猪刚刺颚口线虫病流行病学。终宿主猪检查790头,感染率为4.7%,感染强度1~16条虫。第2中间宿主鱼类检查12种,阳性3种,即黄鳝MOnOPTEruSAlbuS,乌鳢OPHIOCEPHAluSArguS和胡子鲶ClArIASbATrACHuS,感染率依次为30%,10%和4.2%,胡子鲶是国内外宿主新纪录。两栖类检查2种,均阴性。转续宿主蛇类检查5种,阳性4种,它们是银环蛇bungAruSMulTICInCTuS、水泡蛇EnHydrISPluMbEA、渔游蛇nATrISPISCATOr和中国水蛇E·CHInEnSIS感染率分别为71.4%,14.3%,12.5%和12.5%,这4种转续宿主均为国内外首次报告。调查结果显示,闽南地区是刚刺颚口线虫病散发性流行区。鳝鱼和银环蛇是传播本病的重要媒介。The Present study is concerned with a survey of the epidemiology of Gnathostoma hispidum in Minnan district.A total of 790 pig were examined and inFective rate of G.hispidum in pig was 4.7%.The intensity was From 1 to 16 worms, the second intermediate host, 12 species of Fishes were examined and 3 species of them, namely Monopterus albus, Ophiocephalus argus, and Carias batrachus were Found to be naturally inFected with the advanced 3rd-stage larvae of G.hispidum, whereas the last species is recorded For the First time as the host in the world.Their inFective rates of the larvae in order were 30%,10%and4.2%,respectively.2 Frogs species were examined and the results were all negative For the larva.5 paratenic hosts species were examined and 4 species, Bungarus multicintus, Enhydris plumbea and Natrix piscator, were Found be naturally inFected with advanced 3rd-stage larvae of G.hispidum.Their inFective rates were 71.4%,14.3%,12.5%and12.5% respectively.These 4 snakes species are recorded For the First time as the paratenic host From the world.Our investigations results Found that in Minnan district, Monopterus albus and Bungarus multicinctus may play a signiFicant role in spreading G.hispidum disease and above area must be regarded as a sporadic epidemic area of G.hispidum.福建省自然科学基

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