Preliminary Study on Nitrogen Fertilizer Application of Ratoon Rice Cultivar Jiafuzhan


为提高再生稻‘佳辐占’的再生季产量,设置施氮量试验。结果明确,再生季产量与施氮量呈抛物线型相关。在供试条件下,适宜的施氮量为138kg·HM-2,其分蘖萌发率显著提高,再生季穗数达到头季穗数的2.4倍,再生季产量达到接近头季产量的水平,经济效益也最佳。Different nitrogen application ratio in the second crop of ratoon rice for good quality cultivar Jiafuzhan were studied in order to increase grain yield at Jianyang City of Fujian Province.The results showed that grain yield in the second crop exhibited a parabolic curve relationship with nitrogen application ratio.In the experimental conditions,the suitable nitrogen application ratio was 138kg·hm-2,which significantly enhanced the rate of axillary bud germination.Therefore,panicle number in the second crop was 140% higher than that in the first crop,and its grain yield also nearly reached the level of the first crop.The economic benefit was the best among all treatments.国家科技支撑计划子课题(2011BAD16B14); 福建省现代农业水稻技术体系建设(闽财指[2009]528号); 福建省财政专项——福建省农业科学院科技创新团队项目(CXTD-1-1301); 国际原子能机构(IAEA)项目(CRP17031;CRP17031/R0

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