On the Energy Subsidies Reform and Clean Energy Development


能源补贴是使生产者或消费者的能源价格偏离市场价格的政府干预,在发展中国家是一个非常重要的问题。能源补贴通过对能源消费、能源效率以及能源结构影响进而影响社会可持续发展这一根本目标。本文在考虑外部成本的情况下,采用价差法估算了中国2007年的终端能源价格补贴,结果表明:2007年中国的能源补贴占gdP的4.51%。其中对成品油的补贴最多,其次是煤炭和电力。与化石能源过度补贴相反的是,政府对清洁能源发展的现有补贴规模很小,还不能弥补清洁能源完全发电成本。CgE模型结果表明:取消化石能源补贴,能显著减少一次能源消费和二氧化碳排放,但对宏观经济的冲击较大。如果在取消能源补贴的同时,将补贴投入清洁能源部门,对宏观经济将有正面影响,对社会可持续发展意义重大。Energy subsidy is a form of government intervention resulting in a deviation of actual energy price from a specified benchmark price.Energy subsidies have important implications for sustainable development through their effects on energy use,efficiency and the types of fuels that are used.With the consideration of the external cost in the process of energy consumption,this paper applies the price-gap approach to estimate the Chinese energy subsidies in 2007.The results indicate that Chinese energy subsidies are equivalent about 4.51%of GDP in 2007,of which oil produces subsidies were the majority,subsequently was the coal and electricity sector.However,the subsidies to the clean energy are relatively small,which could not support the generation cost.The quantitative analysis of CGE model shows that removing energy subsidies will result in decreasing energy demand and emissions significantly,but will have large negative impacts on macroeconomic variables.If imputing a certain proportion of the subsidy savings to encourage clean energy development,there will be a positive impact on macroeconomy variables and benefit sustainable development.长江学者科研配套经费;国家社科基金重大项目“美、日等西方国家新能源政策跟踪及我国低碳经济研究”(09&ZD050)资

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