The Current Plight of Indonesia's Energy and Its Countermeasures


印尼是传统的能源大国,油气煤炭及非传统能源储量非常丰富。近年来,随着能源可采储量的枯竭,印尼能源行业供给渠道不稳定,资源禀赋与资源开发地区不平衡以及人口环境压力等问题日益凸显,能源供不应求逐渐成为制约印尼经济发展的一大瓶颈。为此,印尼政府积极采取措施,在提高国内传统能源利用率的同时,积极引入国际合作,开发利用新能源。Indonesia is a traditional energy power with rich reserves of oil,gas,coal and non-conventional energy sources.However,in recent years,with energy depletion of recoverable reserves and instability of the energy supply channels,the resource endowment and resource development tend to be imbalances,population and environment pressure has become increasingly prominent and the energy shortage has became a major bottleneck for economic development in Indonesia.Therefore,Indonesian government takes active measures to improve traditional energy efficiency,to introduce international cooperation actively and make efforts to strengthen the development and utilization of new energy

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