
Banks' Restructuring and Its Effect on Thailand


东南亚金融危机爆发以后,泰国银行体系由于本身所固有的缺陷,其不良债权急剧增加,已经成为银行业正常运行的沉重负担,并且严重阻碍了泰国经济走上复苏道路。为了解决这一问题,泰国政府采取了诸如设立专门机构、筹集专项资金、有条件向商业银行注资的手段,目前已经取得了一定成效,但其中存在的一些问题我们也应该注意After Southeast Asian financial crisis,Thai banking system's innate disadvantage causes its non-performing loans(NPLs) to increase sharply,which has become the heavy burden on banks normal running and main obstacle to economic recovery.To resolve this problem,Thai government has taken many measures,such as setting up special institution,raising money and giving it to commercial banks with requirements.Now the measures are giving into effect,but there are still some problems that we should notice

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